Council Meeting Minutes 10-22-2024
The City Council of the City of Southside convened in a regular meeting in Council Chambers at City of Southside City Hall on Tuesday, October 22, 2024. Prior notice of this meeting was given in compliance with Resolution No. 0-035-2005 of the City of Southside, Alabama, and the Alabama Open Meetings Act. Mayor Dana Snyder called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m., with Councilman Keith Clay leading in prayer.
The following council members were present: Mayor Dana Snyder, Council Members: John Hatley, Keith Clay, Danny Garnett, and Don Steward was not in present at the meeting’s start. With a quorum being present, the meeting was opened for the transaction of business.
Mayor Snyder asked the council if there were any corrections or additions to the minutes for the regular council meeting held on October 8, 2024. Don Steward made a motion to approve the minutes, Keith Clay provided a second. The Roll Call Vote was ALL AYES. The motion carried.
The Following items were on the Council Work Session
1. Discussion of the need for permits at Southside Landing: There is a need to apply for permitting from Alabama Power for items to be placed below the power company right of way at Southside Landing. The Power Company recommends that the city add any possible future items to the permit application when submitted, since there is no additional cost for multiple items. The cost of the permit is approximately $1500.00, and there is a wait of up to 18 months for processing. At this time, the identified items to be listed are: the kayak launch, (which was removed due to the need for a permit at a non-residential location), and a fish chute. There was discussion about the possibility of adding buoys to the Alabama Power permit at the end of the boat ramp. The mayor stated that there would be a need to engage Skipper Engineering for drawings to be submitted with the permits, which they already have from original design. The council decided to confer with Parks and Rec Director, Michael Weldon, and get a definite list for the permit.
2. Discussion of an Additional Paving Project: The mayor mentioned the process that a paving project must go through, and mentioned several streets that have been brought to her attention by residents, and several others that the council had discussed that will need attention soon. It was suggested that street department employees be consulted for data on needs. There was discussion of possible funds available for an additional paving project before the regular every-two-year project. The mayor reminded the council that, should the bridge replacement actually come to fruition, that the city would be obligated to a million-dollar match for the project, which would come from these dedicated funds. There was discussion of past paving project costs, and the fact that the mobilization costs of paving companies remain the same, regardless of the size of the project. Councilman Joseph Hutchins arrived at 5:15, and took his seat with the council. The council will continue to get a list of roads together, and discuss this further
3. Discussion of Library Board Vacancy: Ms. Marty Jackson, whose term is set to expire, November of 2025, has resigned her position, due to health issues. Library Director, Sheila Watwood, had submitted a name for consideration for the position. The council asked if the potential appointee could be invited to a council meeting, so they could meet her before anyone is appointed.
4. Discussion of the Work Session Resolution: Mayor Snyder recognized Councilman Keith Clay, who had requested this agenda item. Councilman Clay expressed concerns regarding frequency of special-called council work sessions. He stated that he had worked on the Resolution adopted on August 13, pertaining to including council work sessions within council meetings with several council members, and he wanted to address timing of special called work sessions, and the work sessions included in the council agenda. There was discussion of those items, as well as regulations regarding meeting criteria and protocol via the Alabama Open Meetings Act, the purpose for special – called work sessions, and who could call them.
Mayor Snyder recognized finance director, Nickie Pylant, who addressed the council to request permission to open a 6-month C.D. at 4.45% interest for Fire Savings. She stated that she had already discussed this with Chief Buckner, who was in agreement. Councilman Steward inquired if some of the paving account funds could be put into the same type C.D. to be earning interest, and Director Pylant stated it could.
Don Steward then made a motion to add putting paving funds into a 6-month C.D. to the agenda. Keith Clay seconded the motion. The mayor inquired if the council was in favor, all responded aye. The paving fund C.D. was added to the agenda.
Keith Clay made a motion to approve the Finance Director to put both the Fire Savings funds and the Paving Funds into 6-month C.D.’s. Danny Garnett seconded the motion. The Roll-Call vote was ALL AYES, approval was granted.
Mayor Snyder then explained that after the 2020 election cycle, the terms of elected officials in certain municipalities were extended to a one-time 5-year term, in order to spread some of the municipal election cycles away from others. She stated, that the City Attorney/Prosecutor (Richard Rhea), the Public Defender (Morgan Cunningham), and the Municipal Judge (Tom King) would conclude their appointed 4-year terms in November, and the council would need to re-appoint them for an additional year in order for their terms to align with the council. Don Steward made a motion to re-appoint City Attorney/Prosecutor Richard Rhea, Public Defender Morgan Cunningham, and Municipal Judge Tom King for an additional year. John Hatley provided a second. The Roll-Call Vote was ALL AYES. The City Attorney/Prosecutor, Public Defender, and Municipal Judge were re-appointed for a one-year term.
A Resolution was presented to accept construction materials from Joey Jones Construction LLC, for repairs to a drainage issue on a city-owned street in Legacy Farms Subdivision. The mayor explained that Joey Jones Construction had been the developer of the subdivision, and the drainage issue had developed on a street within the development, which is now a city-accepted street. Joey Jones Construction would like to donate the materials for repairs to the City of Southside, and the city’s street department preform the work. Don Steward made a motion to approve the resolution. John Hatley provided a second. The Roll Call Vote was ALL AYES. The Resolution was approved.
A Resolution was presented to approve the application, acceptance and administration of the 2025 JAG Grant through ADECA by the Chief of Police. This is a grant that the city would be able to use for funding of a new Police Issue Tahoe off the State of Alabama bid list. Don Steward made a motion to approve the Resolution. Danny Garnett provided a second. Roll Call vote was ALL AYES. The Resolution was approved
A Resolution was presented to approve the mayor to sign an agreement with the Etowah County Detention Center to house “City Prisoners” at a new rate of $35.00 per day, which began on October 1, 2024. Mayor Snyder explained that the previous year, the rate had been $50.00 per day, and through recent negotiations, the rate had been changed to $35.00 per day for the term beginning October 1, 2024 through midnight on September 30, 2025. Danny Garnett made a motion to approve the Resolution. Joseph Hutchins provided a second. The Roll Call Vote was ALL AYES. The Resolution was approved.
Mayor Snyder opened the floor to anyone in attendance for comments or questions
There were none.
The mayor then asked the council for their comments.
There were none.
Mayor Snyder made the following announcements:
There will be a special-called work session October 28, 2024 at 5:30 P.M. in Council Chambers
The next council meeting is November 12, 2024 at 5:00 in council chambers at City of Southside City Hall.
The next planning commission meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 14 at 6:00 p.m. in council chambers at city hall due to the Monday November 11 Veteran’s Day Holiday.
The City’s Fall Fest will be Thursday, October 24, at Southside Landing
Don Steward then made a motion to adjourn, Joseph Hutchins provided a second. The meeting adjourned at 5:55 P.M.
Dana Snyder, Mayor
Cindy Beshears, Acting City Clerk