January 2, 2025

Council Meeting Minutes 12-10-2024




The City Council of the City of Southside convened in a regular meeting in Council Chambers at City Hall on Tuesday, December 10, 2024. Prior notice of this meeting was given in compliance with Resolution No. 0-035-2005 of the City of Southside, Alabama, and the Alabama Open Meetings Act. Mayor Dana Snyder called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m., with Councilman Danny Garnett leading in prayer.

The following council members were present: Mayor Dana Snyder, Council Members: Keith Clay, Danny Garnett, and Joseph Hutchins. John Hatley and Don Steward were not in attendance. With a quorum being present, the meeting was opened for business transactions.

Mayor Snyder asked the council if there were any corrections or additions to the minutes for the regular council meeting held on November 12, 2024. Joseph Hutchins made a motion to approve the minutes, and Danny Garnett provided a second. The Roll Call Vote was ALL AYES. The motion carried.

The mayor recognized Ms. Janis Burns, Awards Chair for the Alabama Recreation and Parks Association District 4, who had requested to be on the Council Agenda. Ms. Burns explained that she was in attendance to present Parks and Recreation Director, Michael Weldon with the 2024 Gene Cornett Merit in Recreation Award for the District. Ms. Burns also stated that Director Weldon was a very deserving recipient, and expounded on the many ways he excels at his duties with Parks and Recreation for the City of Southside. Ms. Burns, Director Weldon, and the Mayor and Council posed for pictures, and Director Weldon addressed the council and audience to thank his staff in the Parks and Recreation Department and the Mayor, Council, and City Employees.

Discussion of the one-time Safety Incentive (one-time pay raise) for City Employees. The mayor stated that last year’s incentive was $300 for full-time employees and $150 for part-time. This is done in conjunction with the annual safety briefing for city employees and has been a regular yearly practice. Mayor Snyder stated that this was not included in the budget, and would require an amendment. City Attorney, Richard Rhea stated that this has been a regular practice as long as he has been the City Attorney, and the annual safety briefing is smiled upon by the city’s insurance provider. There was a discussion of the number of full and part-time employees and the possibility of a larger one-time raise. Finance Director, Nickie Pylant stated that there were extra funds in interest income, which could counter the expense, estimated to be in the area of $16,000 plus required tax expense. The council agreed to remain consistent with last year’s incentive and agreed to add it to the agenda for a vote. Councilman Garnett made a recommendation to add it as a line item to next year’s budget.

Police Chief, Jarrett Williams was recognized and addressed the council regarding a flashing school zone sign on Highway 77 at Southside Elementary. He stated at the last council meeting that ALDOT had contacted him due to loss of reflectivity on the sign portion of the signal. The Chief had been given a quote for the total replacement of all components of the signal of $5790.00. He then explained that Public Works Director, Mark Owen had reached out to ALDOT, and they were ok with just replacing the reflective portion of the signal since the flashing portion was still operational. The cost of the new “sign” portion of the signal would be $164.04 to produce, and public works should be able to handle all the repairs unless the electrical service needed to be interrupted, in which case, there would have to be an electrical service involved, which would be an additional expense, but would still be considerably less expensive. The council agreed to add this item to the agenda for a vote

Discussion was held of the council meeting scheduled for Dec. 24, which is Christmas Eve. Mayor Snyder stated that there is already a special-called work session on Thursday, December 19, at 4:00, and asked if the council would like to re-schedule the second December regular Council Meeting for December 19 at 5:30, after the special work session. The council agreed to move the regular council meeting scheduled for December 24, 2024, to Thursday, December 19, 2024, at 5:30 P.M.

Parks and Recreation Director, Michael Weldon addressed the council regarding a request from Jackson Luttrell, the owner of the new Elite Fitness Training in Southside for an agreement to use city facilities at 3387 Soccer Drive one time a week for his speed training services. Director Weldon stated that both he and Mr. Luttrell had spoken with Ben Guest, of Coosa Soccer, who already has an agreement for the use of these facilities, and Mr. Guest was agreeable to share the facilities with Elite one night a week. Mr. Luttrell would require light usage until 7:45 during the winter months, and the lights would already be on during spring and summer for soccer. The activity would start around January 12. The scheduling would be handled between the 2 organizations. Director Weldon stated that he would get an agreement drawn up for the December 19 council meeting for council approval.

Danny Garnett made a motion for one-time safety raises for city employees. $ 300 for full-time employees, and $150 for part-time, which would be the same as last year. Keith Clay provided a second. The Roll Call Vote was ALL AYES. The motion was approved.

Danny Garnett made a motion for the replacement of the reflective portion of the damaged “school zone sign” at Southside Elementary, and a second was provided by Keith Clay. The roll-call vote was all ayes. The repair was approved.

A Resolution was presented to accept and administer the 2024 Byrne Memorial JAG Grant. Chief Williams explained that this grant application was submitted for $100,900 for virtual reality training equipment from Operator XR (previous quote). The grant was awarded for $91,850, and the quote was amended by Operator XR to $91,850, so there would be no out-of-pocket expense to the city. Joseph Hutchins made a motion to approve the Resolution. Danny Garnett provided the second. The Roll Call Vote was ALL AYES. The Resolution was approved.

A Resolution was presented to reject all bids from the recent bid solicitation for two (2) 2wd Tahoes for the Police Department. Chief Williams stated that there were 2 bids received, despite multiple invitations to bid being extended, and only one of the bids met the specifications. The only qualified bid was a dealership out of Georgia, which came in at $55,900 each for 2wd. The Chief stated that the most recent purchase of 2 Tahoes had only been $52,000 for the same model 4WD, and he feels it would be fiscally irresponsible to purchase 2024 models priced this high when the 2025 model 2WD Tahoes should be available off the state bid list in March for approximately $46,000, which would be a difference of almost $9,000. He recommends that the council reject all bids. There was a discussion of the obligation of ARPA money and clarification that no funds would be lost as a result of the rejection of the bids. Joseph Hutchins made a motion to approve the Resolution, and Keith Clay provided a second. The Roll Call Vote was ALL AYES. The Resolution was approved, and bids were rejected.

Mayor Snyder stated that she would make a motion for the Council to recess into Executive Session regarding the purchase and/or lease of real property after the announcements were made, and the meeting would be adjourned.

The mayor asked if there were any public comments:

Resident Dan Childs brought it to the Council’s attention that the post on the previously discussed school zone sign was leaning. Chief Williams agreed to check into it.

The mayor made a motion to go into Executive Session at 5:30 P.M. Joseph Hutchins provided a second.

Mayor Snyder made the following announcements:

The Council will hold a special work session on December 19, 2024, at 4:00 P.M. in council chambers
The Next City Council Meeting is now scheduled for December 19, 2024 at 5:30 in council chambers.
The next Planning Commission is scheduled for January 13, 2025, the wrong date was announced.
December 14, the Christmas Village Craft Fair will be held at Southside Elementary School Gym.
2 SHS Runners were named to the 2024 ALL Messenger Cross Country Team, Lydia Kay, and Evan Christopher were announced last week.

Keith Clay made a motion to adjourn at 5:34, the council recessed to Executive Session




SIGNED: _____________________________
Dana Snyder, Mayor


ATTEST: ______________________________
Cindy Beshears, Acting City Clerk