January 15, 2025

Council Meeting Minutes 12-19-2024




The City Council of the City of Southside convened in a regular meeting in Council Chambers at City Hall on Thursday, December 19, 2024. Prior notice of this meeting was given in compliance with Resolution No. 0-035-2005 of the City of Southside, Alabama, and the Alabama Open Meetings Act. Mayor Dana Snyder called the meeting to order at 6:22 p.m., with Councilman Joseph Hutchins leading in prayer.

The following council members were present: Mayor Dana Snyder, Council Members: Keith Clay, Danny Garnett, John Hatley, Don Steward, and Joseph Hutchins. With a quorum being present, the meeting was opened for business transactions.

Mayor Snyder asked the council if there were any corrections or additions to the minutes for the regular council meeting held on December 10, 2024. Don Steward made a motion to approve the minutes, and Joseph Hutchins provided a second. The Roll Call Vote was ALL AYES. The motion carried.

The first item of business was added to the agenda from the council work session held prior to the council meeting. Mayor Snyder asked Finance Director, Nickie Pylant to take the podium to discuss financials and loan balances. Director Pylant presented several different scenarios for the opportunity to reduce some debt obligations in the work session. She stated that the city has a surplus of funds currently sitting in savings, which are dedicated to specific debt obligations. These accounts are funded through direct deposits of local sales tax, and SSUT tax, and are restricted to paying specific debt payments Ms. Pylant said that there is enough money sitting in these accounts to be able to pay off 2 of the City’s Debt obligations, saving the city 19-20 thousand dollars in interest. She desires approval to pay these debts in full, and deposit the remaining funds in a reserve account for emergency purposes. This would require council approval and redirection of the direct deposit from the closed accounts into a different account. The 2 loans she wished to pay off were the 2006 AmFund loan with a balance of $75,000, and the 2022 Metro Bank Loan, which was used to purchase the property at the northbound bridge, which is at 4.9% interest, with a balance of $188,465.24. The council had expressed the desire in the work session to pay off these loans. Joseph Hutchins made a motion to approve the Finance Director to pay off the two loans. Don Steward provided a second. The Roll Call Vote was ALL AYES. Approval was granted for the Finance Director, Nickie Pylant to pay off the 2006 AmFund Loan, and the 2022 Metro Bank Bridge Property Loan.

A Resolution was submitted to the Council by Representative Craig Lipscomb opposing the Restrictions on fishing tournaments on the Coosa River currently proposed by the Alabama Department of Conservation & Natural Resources. Several council members and the Mayor had been contacted regarding this proposed restriction and stated that there is a plan in place for a more agreeable countermeasure. Don Steward made a motion to approve the Resolution, and Danny Garnett provided a second. The Roll Call Vote was ALL AYES. The Resolution was approved.

A Resolution was presented to approve the renewal of the city’s agreement with CivicPlus (formerly MuniCode), for codification and publishment of the City’s code Ordinances. Mayor Snyder explained that previously MuniCode had charged by the page, but this agreement had a new pricing format, which would be a once-a-year fee of $800.00, with an annual 5% increase hereafter. Keith Clay made a motion to approve the Resolution. Joseph Hutchins made the second. The Roll Call Vote Was ALL AYES. The Resolution was approved.

A Resolution was presented to surplus various city-owned items that are no longer in use. There was a discussion of an abandoned aluminum boat on the Police Department list, which could be of use to Parks and Recreation during maintenance at Southside Landing. A motion was made to remove the boat from the surplus list and approve the Resolution by Joseph Hutchins. A second was made by Don Steward. The Roll Call Vote was ALL AYES. The Resolution was approved.

A Resolution was presented to approve a maintenance contract with Childress Heating and Cooling for service 4 times a year to the units at city hall. This had been overlooked when the previous agreements for the library, community center, and sports complex were approved. Danny Garnett made a motion to approve the Resolution, Don Steward made the second. The Roll Call Vote was ALL AYES. The Resolution was approved.

A Resolution was presented to approve an agreement with Elite Fitness Training for use of the soccer practice fields one night a week. Parks and Recreation Director, Michael Weldon stated that the owner of Elite Fitness and the head of Coosa Soccer, which already has an agreement in place, were in agreement for Elite to share the facility one time a week. Danny Garnett made a motion to approve the Resolution. Don Steward made the second. The Roll Call Vote was ALL AYES. The Resolution was approved.

A Resolution was presented to approve the purchase of level III tactical vests for the Police Dept. for $16,450 to be funded with ARPA Funds. The city is required to have all these funds obligated by December 31, 2024. Danny Garnett made a motion to approve the Resolution. Keith Clay provided the second. The Roll Call Vote was ALL AYES. The Resolution was approved.

A Resolution was presented to approve the purchase of Axon Dash Cams for the Police Department for $26,226.28 for the first year through ARPA Funds. The yearly cost would increase by 4% for four consecutive years and would become a regular budget item after the first year. Joseph Hutchins made a motion to approve the Resolution. Keith Clay provided a second. The Roll Call Vote was ALL AYES. The Resolution was approved.

A Resolution was presented to approve the mayor to enter a contract with Alabama Construction Enterprises, Inc. for the construction of 3 Pavilions at Southside Landing, for $31,863.74, the lowest of three quotes received, to be paid out of ARPA funds. Joseph Hutchins made a motion to approve the Resolution. Keith Clay made the second. The Roll Call Vote was ALL AYES. The Resolution was approved.

A Resolution was presented to expend any remaining ARPA Funds on the required Single-audit for the City. If an entity spends $750,000 Of federal funds in a single year, they are required to have a single audit for that year. Danny Garnett made a motion to approve the Resolution. Joseph Hutchins provided a second. The Roll Call Vote was ALL AYES. The Resolution was approved.

Mayor Snyder asked if anyone in attendance had any comments.

Parks and Recreation Director, Michael Weldon took the podium and thanked Mrs. Yancey for allowing the use of the Southside Elementary School Gym for the Christmas Village. He also expressed thanks to all the vendors and said the event was a success.

Mayor Snyder made the following announcements:

The Next City Council Meeting is scheduled for January 14, 2025, at 5:00 in council chambers.
The next Planning Commission is scheduled for January 13, 2025, at 6:00 P.M. in council chambers.

Each Council member was recognized and wished everyone Merry Christmas.

Joseph Hutchins made a motion to adjourn, Don Steward made a second. The meeting was adjourned at 6:57

SIGNED: _____________________________
Dana Snyder, Mayor

ATTEST: ______________________________
Cindy Beshears, Acting City Clerk