July 22, 2024

Council Meeting Minutes 6-25-2024




The City Council of the City of Southside convened in a regular meeting in Council Chambers at City of Southside City Hall on Tuesday, June 25, 2024. Prior notice of this meeting was given in compliance with Resolution No. 0-035-2005 of the City of Southside, Alabama, and the Alabama Open Meetings Act. Mayor Pro Tempore, Don Steward called the meeting to order at 5:02 p.m., with Councilman Keith Clay leading in prayer.

The following council members were present: Mayor Pro-Tempore Don Steward, Council Members: Keith Clay, Danny Garnett, and John Hatley. With a quorum being present, the meeting was opened for the transaction of business.

Councilman Steward inquired of the council if there were any corrections or additions to the minutes from the regular council meeting held on June 11, 2024. A motion was made by Danny Garnett to approve the minutes as presented. A second of the motion to approve was made by Keith Clay. Roll call vote: ALL AYES. The motion carried unanimously.

A Resolution was presented to approve an agreement with SAIN Associates for a portion of their proposal for conducting engineering studies, and providing technical and progress reports of various existing and future conditions of Roads and intersections within the City, (Tasks 1-4 of the proposal) for a sum of $33,000.00 to be paid out of ARPA funds. Keith Clay made a motion to approve the Resolution. Danny Garnett provided a second. The roll call vote was ALL AYES. The motion carried.

A Resolution was presented to award the bid for the replacement of the roofs on the City of Southside Community Center, Library, and old AG building (storage bunker). This is to be paid out of ARPA funds, Garner and Associates roofing, was the low bid at $166,400. A motion to approve the Resolution and accept the lowest bid was made by Danny Garnett. Keith Clay provided a second. The roll call vote was ALL AYES. The motion carried.

A Resolution was presented to authorize the clerk to let out bids on a zero turn lawnmower for the Parks and Recreation Department, to be partially funded by an Etowah County Community Development Grant in the amount of $12,000.00.Danny Garnett made a motion to approve the Resolution. Keith Clay provided a second. The roll call vote was ALL AYES. The motion carried.

A Resolution was presented to approve the purchase of a 2024 Dodge 2500 pick up truck off the state bid list at $46,610.00 for the Parks and Recreation Department. This is to be purchased out of ARPA funds, and is to replace a 1993 Ford F150, which is currently in use, even though it is in ill repair. Danny Garnett made a motion to approve the Resolution, Keith Clay provided a second. The roll-call vote was ALL AYES. The motion carried.

Next was a Resolution to amend Resolution 0-015-2024, which authorizes the purchase of a new Dump Truck for the Public Works Department. The amendment would stipulate that the Dump Truck be purchased out of ARPA funds instead of the monies held in the general fund. Don Steward made a motion to approve the Resolution, Keith Clay provided a second. The roll call vote was ALL AYES. The motion carried.

Councilman Don Steward opened the up the meeting for public comments and questions. The council fielded questions regarding road studies, and there was discussion of options presented by ALDOT at the meeting held on June 20 regarding the North Bound Bridge project, as well as resident’s thoughts on the subject.

The mayor pro-tem asked each council member individually if they had anything to add;

Councilman Garnett brought up several items previously discussed in the June work session by the council dedicating ARPA funds. One was a 96,000.00-item requested by the fire department, which Councilman Garnett deferred to Fire Chief, Wade Buckner to explain: a distributed antenna system to be installed in Southside High School and Southside Elementary, which would enable multiple agency communication throughout the buildings in cases of emergency, where there is spotty, if any capability now. Councilman Garnett also referred to Public Works requested items to facilitate and expedite in house road repairs. He stated that he would like to pass Resolutions to go on and acquire these items via use of ARPA funds, which, he explained, have to be dedicated, and contractually obligated by December 31 of this year, or the funds must be returned. There was discussion of possible dedication of funds in the upcoming October budget for two more police vehicles, and repair to the digital sign in the City Hall Parking Lot.

The next City Council meeting is scheduled for July 9, 2024 in council chambers at City of
Southside City Hall.

The next Planning Commission Meeting is scheduled for July 8, 2024 at 6 P.M. in Council Chambers at City Hall.

With no other business to discuss the Councilman Steward asked if there was a motion to dismiss, Keith Clay made the motion to adjourn. Danny Garnett seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 5:37 p.m.