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(256) 442-9775Business Licenses & Taxes
- The Revenue Department issues business licenses and building permits and collects city taxes.
- The City of Southside Revenue Department is responsible for enforcing all laws and regulations dealing with collecting various taxes and fees due to the city and providing complete, accurate, and timely information and services to businesses and taxpayers.
- Those wishing to open a business should verify the location of the proposed business is properly zoned. Zoning information is also available at City Hall.
- The license year is based on a calendar year -- January 1st through December 31st.
- All licenses are renewed annually and before February 1st to avoid delinquent penalties.
- Courtesy renewal notices will be mailed to each licensed business on file in December.
- The Revenue Department should be contacted as soon as possible if a business is no longer operating.
- Applications for new business licenses are taken daily between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at Southside City Hall. Sales, Use, and Rental taxes for the city are collected by Alatax (205-324-0088).
- Occupational Tax is collected by AVENU INSIGHTS (800-556-7274)
- The Revenue Department collects Tobacco, Gasoline, Liquor, and Wine taxes. For information on business licenses and permits, including a list of rates,
Contact the Revenue Officer at 256-442-9775 Ext. 119.
Cost of License based on gross receipts Base is $100 a year and $14 issuance
Sales Tax Rate 10% in the City of Southside
Macy Winningham
Revenue Officer256-442-9775 ext. 119