May 23, 2023

Council Meeting 04-25-2023



April 25,2023


The City Council of the City of Southside convened in the regular public session at the Southside City Hall in Council Chambers on Tuesday, April 25,2023. Mayor Dana Snyder called the meeting to order at 5:01 P.M. Council Member Genny Ball led the prayer.

The following council members were present: Mayor Dana Snyder, Council Members: Keith Clay, John Hatley, Don Steward, Joseph Hutchins, and Genny Ball. With a quorum being present, the meeting was opened for the transaction of business.

At 5:05 P.M. Mayor Snyder called the public hearing on the proposed tax abatement agreement between the City of Southside and Southside Hardware and Equipment Company to Order.
Mayor Snyder read the proposed Resolution. The proposed abatement provided for a tax-incentive of 2.5% of 5% sales tax paid by Southside Hardware and Equipment Company for a period of five (5) years, or $150,000, whichever should come first. Mayor Snyder stated the business will stock ExMark mowers, and Stihl power equipment. The mayor said the abatement would be paid through quarterly payments based on payments made to MyAlabamaTax, as was previous practice with similar agreements made with both Burger King and Blackstone Bait Shack. City Attorney Richard Rhea stated this agreement sounded like a perfectly normal practice. Councilman Joseph Hutchins stated that both brands are very lucrative, and should be a huge draw. Mayor Snyder introduced Co-Owner Joey Jones, who informed the Council and audience that the owners of the business were himself, Don Steward, and Phillip Carr. Mr. Jones explained that ExMark was insistent on putting the business in Rainbow City, but the owners refused to continue the venture unless it was located in Southside. Mr. Jones also explained that the biggest problem he foresees for the business is keeping inventory, and that they had sold 10 pieces of Stihl equipment in 1.5 hours on the previous Saturday. Mr. Jones stated that they had 9 new employees, and $400,000 in additional payroll to support this part of the business. Don Steward reiterated that there had been 13 people vying for this dealership, and they were able to land it, as well as fight to get it in Southside. Resident David Smith asked questions about actual Mower tax being different than other sales tax. Mr. Jones explained the tax rates for lawnmowers, and Councilman Keith Clay suggested re-wording of the agreement to be 2.5% of sales tax revenue remitted to the city. City Attorney Richard Rhea agreed, and also re-emphasized the cap on the amount to be abated. A motion to accept the Resolution was made by Genny Ball. A second to the motion was made by Joseph Hutchins. The roll call vote was all ayes with the exception of Don Steward, who abstained from the vote. Mayor Snyder declared the motion carried.

Mayor Snyder inquired of the council if there were any corrections or additions to the council minutes from the meeting held on April 11, 2023. A motion was made by Joseph Hutchins to approve the minutes as presented, with a second of the motion cast by Don Steward. The roll call vote was all ayes. Mayor Snyder declared the motion carried unanimously.

The first item on the agenda was old business: A Resolution to approve ADS quote for cameras at Southside Landing, which had been presented to the council for their consideration in February. After discussion regarding price adjustments to the previous quote, and possible other options with lower maintenance obligations in the work session, the council tabled this resolution to explore other options.

Mayor Snyder then presented a resolution to appoint Cindy Beshears to the position of Acting City Clerk. A motion was made by Genny Ball to approve the resolution. A second of the motion was made by Don Steward. Roll Call vote: all ayes. The mayor declared the motion carried unanimously.

A Resolution was presented changing the job title of Accounts Payable/Assistant City Clerk to Accounts Payable/Office Procedure & Training Administrator. A motion to approve this resolution was made by Joseph Hutchens. The motion was seconded by Don Steward. The roll call vote was all ayes. Mayor Snyder declared the motion carried unanimously.

A Resolution changing the job title of Revenue Clerk to Revenue Clerk/Assistant City Clerk was presented. Councilman Don Steward stated that he really liked this idea, thinks it will really be beneficial in the future. A motion to accept the resolution was made by Don Steward. A second to the motion was made by Joseph Hutchins. The roll call vote was all ayes. The mayor declared that the motion carried unanimously.

A Resolution was presented appointing Macy Winningham as the Assistant City Clerk. Joseph Hutchins made a motion to approve the resolution. Don Steward provided the second. The roll call vote was all ayes. Mayor Snyder declared the motion carried unanimously.

Mayor Snyder presented a resolution authorizing signers on the City of Southside Bank Accounts. Mayor Snyder discussed the recent resignation of former City Clerk Melissa Chambers, and the need to continue to have four (4) authorized signers on the accounts. Mayor Snyder stated that the signers would now be: herself, Don Steward, Nickie Pylant, and Cindy Beshears. Councilman Keith Clay made a motion to approve the resolution. John Hatley provided the second. The roll call vote was all ayes, and declared by the mayor unanimous.

A Resolution to approve the proposal from MCCI services for training on Laserfiche Software for up to six (6) employees at a cost of $4755.94 was presented. Mayor Snyder explained that Laserfiche is a document retention software which we already have installed. However, no-one currently on-staff was a part of the original roll-out or training on the program. Mayor Snyder explained the usefulness of the software program, both as a space-saving measure for document retention, as well as its usefulness as a record deletion tool for records which pass their retention dates. A motion to approve the resolution was made by Joseph Hutchins. A second of the motion was made by Don Steward. Roll call vote was all ayes, and declared by Mayor Snyder as unanimous.

A Resolution to enter into a lease agreement with TowBoat U.S. was presented next. TowBoat, a marine recovery service, who desired to lease a boat slip at Southside Landing, and use it as its hub on Lake Neely Henry. The service is a membership based business with a cost of $99.00/year. The council discussed the cost of the lease for the boat slip, and came up with a cost of $24.75/quarter year which would equal the TowBoat yearly membership of $99.00/year, but would have a quarterly point of contact with the city’s revenue department. A motion to approve the Resolution was made by Councilman John Hatley. The motion was seconded by Joseph Hutchins. Roll Call vote was all ayes. The mayor declared the motion carried unanimously.

A Resolution was presented to authorize Mayor Dana Snyder to file the annual ARPA Project and Expenditure report This is the annual report of projects and expenditures from April 1 through March 31 funded by funds awarded through ARPA. The report is due on April 30,2023. A motion was made to accept the resolution by John Hatley. A second to the motion was provided by Joseph Hutchins. The roll call vote was all ayes. Mayor Snyder declared it carried unanimously.

Mayor Snyder presented a Resolution approving annual expenditures from the ARPA fund. She explained this year’s expenditures funded by ARPA were the retention pond on Powell St., the new telephone system, and the drainage issue repair on Hawthorne. Don Steward made a motion to accept the Resolution. A second to the motion was made by John Hatley. Roll Call vote was all ayes. The mayor declared the motion carried unanimously.

A resolution to approve the purchase of an AMKUS T716 extraction tool was presented. Fire Chief Wade Buckner elaborated on the tool, stating that it would go on engine 1, and was a newer version of an extraction tool, and it’s cost of $13,300.00 would be covered entirely by a Community Development Grant received by Southside Fire and Rescue. Joseph Hutchins made a motion to accept the Resolution, John Hatley made a second to the motion. The roll call vote was all ayes. Mayor Snyder declared the motion carried unanimously.

A Resolution was presented to approve an AMKUS DeWalt 9/3 AMP-HR Battery Kit for the AMKUS T716 extraction tool. Chief Buckner again spoke of the necessity of having fresh batteries on-hand for the extraction tool, and stated that $200.00 of the $683.00 cost of the battery kid would be funded by the remainder if the Community Development Grant. Don Steward made a motion to approve the Resolution, and John Hatley provided a second. The roll call vote was unanimous. Mayor Snyder declared the motion carried unanimously.

Mayor Snyder and the council discussed the purchase a full-page ad for $600.00 in the Messenger’s High School Senior Tribute Magazine. A motion was made to approve the purchase by John Hatley, a second was provided by Genny Ball. The mayor declared the motion carried unanimously.

Councilwoman Genny Ball mad a motion to reconsider the vote on Resolution 0-025-2023 to enter into an agreement with GMC for gateway signage development. Don Steward provided a second. The motion to reconsider carried unanimously with all ayes in the roll call vote.

Joseph Hutchins explained the vote at the last council meeting about the gateway signage development and the $29,000 price. Councilman Hutchins stated that some council members would like to look into previous development of signage as well as compare prices with other consultants. Councilwoman Ball said she would like to explore more estimates. Don Steward stated that some things in the proposal are possibly redundant of work previously done. Councilman Steward said he had already spoken with Etowah County Commissioner Joey Statum, and was assured that the county will grant right-of-way. A motion to rescind Resolution 0-XXX-2023 was made by Genny Ball. A second was made by Don Steward. The roll call vote was all ayes, and the motion carried unanimously


Joseph Hutchins: Thanks to City Employees. Asked Finance Director Nickie Pylant if we are in good shape financially. Director Pylant assured the audience that the city was in good financial condition

Don Steward: Thanks to everyone for prayers that he received during his incapacitation, he is back on his fee.

Mayor Snyder: The city has great employees; everyone is doing well.

The next planning commission meeting is scheduled for May 8,2023 beginning at 6:00 P.M. in the council chambers at Southside City Hall.

The next City Council Meeting will be held May 9, 2023 at 4:00 P.M. in the council chambers at Southside City Hall.

With all agenda business being concluded, Mayor Snyder asked for a motion to adjourn. The motion was made by Don Steward. The motion was seconded by Joseph Hutchins. Mayor Snyder declared the meeting adjourned at 5:52 P.M.


Dana Snyder, Mayor


Cindy Beshears, Acting City Clerk