February 29, 2024

Council Meeting Minutes 02-13-2024




The City Council of the City of Southside convened in regular public session in Council Chambers at City of Southside City Hall on Tuesday, February 13, 2024. Prior notice of this meeting was given in compliance with Resolution No. 0-035-2005 of the City of Southside, Alabama and the Alabama Open Meetings Act. Mayor Dana Snyder called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m., with Danny Garnett leading in prayer.

The following council members were present: Mayor Dana Snyder, Council Members: John Hatley, Don Steward, Keith Clay, Danny Garnett and Joseph Hutchins. With a quorum being present, the meeting was opened for the transaction of business. The council recessed into the work session at 4:04 p.m., voted unanimously to go into an executive session at 4:25 p.m. to discuss a security matter, as well as a matter involving good name and character. They then returned to the work session at 4:35p.m., and reconvened the council meeting at 4:55 p.m.

Mayor Snyder inquired of the council if there were any corrections or additions to the minutes from the regular council meeting held on January 23, 2024. A motion was made by Don Steward to approve the minutes as presented. A second of the motion to approve was made by Keith Clay. Roll call vote: ALL AYES. The motion carried unanimously.

• The first agenda item was a proclamation to honor the Southside High School Lady Panthers Bowling Team, who are straight off winning the State of Alabama
Bowling Tournament. Mayor Snyder introduced Coach Zack Blume, who gave highlights of the state tournament. Mayor Snyder then presented Coach Blume and the Lady Panthers a proclamation honoring their achievements, recognized each team member, and made photos with the team and City Council.

• Next was Ms. Teresa Rhea and Ms. Tina Gregerson reporting on the progress of the Challenger Learning Center, a STEM learning center, which is scheduled to begin construction in early summer in Rainbow City, with a one-to-two-year construction period. Ms. Rhea spoke about the 9-county area that the center will serve, and the contributions from other organizations, municipalities, and agencies, as well as grants and earmarked funding that is already in place. She asked the council to consider getting involved, and putting together a plan to help with funding, and provided the council members with an information packet.

• Next on the agenda was the appointment of a Water Board member to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Brian Winningham. Mayor Snyder explained during the work session that 6 residents had submitted their names for consideration for the vacancy. Don Steward made a motion to appoint Dan Childs to the water board. John Hatley seconded the motion. The roll call vote was ALL AYES. The motion carried and Mr. Dan Childs is appointed to the Water Board

• Parks and Recreation Director, Michael Weldon had presented a proposed agreement during the work session between the City of Southside and the Southside Girls Softball Association for use of the Southside Sports Complex for practice and hosting tournaments. Director Weldon stated that there would be approximately 12 teams in the league, all of which would carry the City of Southside Logo on their uniforms for both league and tournament play. The agreement would be for one year, beginning on January 1,2024. Don Steward made a motion to enter into the agreement. John Hatley seconded the motion. The roll call vote was ALL AYES. The motion carried.

• Next was a Resolution to approve Mayor Snyder to enter into a renewal agreement with AVENU insights and analytics for their Discovery/Recovery program. Danny Garnett made a motion to approve the agreement. Joseph Hutchins seconded the motion. The roll call vote was ALL AYES. The motion carried.

• Next was a Resolution to approve Revenue Clerk, Macy Winningham to attend
AMROA 200 level training institute in Tuscaloosa April 10-12. Keith Clay made a motion to approve the Resolution. John Hatley seconded the motion. The roll call vote was ALL AYES. The motion carried.

• A Resolution was presented to approve Acting City Clerk, Cindy Beshears to attend 200 level AMROA revenue training ONLINE April 10-12. Joseph Hutchins made a motion to approve the Resolution, Keith Clay provided the second. The roll-call vote was ALL AYES. The motion carried.

• A Resolution was presented to approve Acting City Clerk, Cindy Beshears to attend the AAMCA Clerk’s Spring Institute in Tuscaloosa, April 17-19. Joseph Hutchins made a motion to approve the Resolution, Keith Clay seconded the motion. The roll call vote was ALL AYES. The motion carried.

• A Resolution was presented to approve the purchase of a Dump Truck off the State Bid List for the Public Works Department. The truck is included in the Public Works Budget at $121,200., but the price could fluctuate up to $125,000.00 due to steel pricing. Don Steward made a motion to approve the Resolution to purchase a dump truck off the state bid list at a price of up to $125,000.00. John Hatley seconded the motion. Mayor Snyder asked City Attorney Richard Rhea if the budget would need an amendment if the price did increase form the $121,200. Counselor Rhea stated that the vote at this time would suffice to cover the amendment of up to $125,000.00 for the truck. The roll call vote was ALL AYES.

• The last agenda item was a Resolution to amend the current City Employee Handbook section 3.5, dealing with investigator overtime pay in the Police Department. The current section 3.5 states that investigators are guaranteed 5 hours call-out overtime. The new section 3.5 would provide for a set dollar amount stipend for investigators. This would not affect the 2 investigators currently in-house. Joseph Hutchins made a motion to approve the Resolution. Danny Garnett provided a second. The roll call vote was ALL AYES. The motion carried.

Mayor Snyder then asked if any of the council had anything else to add.

Councilman Don Steward stated that he is working on some pricing for updated signing on the current gateway signs and the digital sign at city hall, and hopes to have quotes by the next council meeting. Councilman Steward also voiced his support for the Challenger Center and expressed the desire to have the council explore options on a 5-year plan to contribute to its construction.

Councilman Hutchins commented on the success that Southside Athletics is currently having, The Lady Panther Bowling team winning the state championship, the Lady Panthers Basketball team making the upcoming Regional Tournament at JSU, the Boys Varsity Wrestling Team having 5 qualifiers for the upcoming State Wrestling Tournament in Huntsville, as well as the Southside Youth Wrestling having much success at their State Wrestling Tournament.

The mayor then asked the Residents in attendance if anyone had anything to add;

Newly appointed Water Board Member, Dan Childs formally resigned his position as Chairman of the Zoning Board of Adjustments. The council expressed their thanks to Mr. Childs for his success with the Zoning Board and wished him well with the Water Board.

With no other business to discuss the mayor asked if there was a motion to dismiss. Don Steward made a motion to dismiss, Joseph Hutchins provided a second. The meeting was adjourned at 5:20.

Dana Snyder, Mayor

Cindy Beshears, Acting City Clerk