Council Meeting Minutes 12-28-2023
The City Council of the City of Southside convened in regular public session in Council Chambers at The City of Southside City Hall on Thursday, December 28, 2023. Prior notice of this meeting was given in compliance with Resolution No. 0-035-2005 of the City of Southside, Alabama and the Alabama Open Meetings Act. Mayor Dana Snyder called the meeting to order at 4:06 p.m., with John Hatley leading in prayer.
The following council members were present: Mayor Dana Snyder, Council Members: Joseph Hutchins, John Hatley, Keith Clay, and Danny Garnett. With a quorum being present, the meeting was opened for the transaction of business. The council recessed to the work session at 4:07 p.m., and reconvened the council meeting at 4:25 p.m.
Mayor Snyder inquired of the council if there were any corrections or additions to the minutes from the regular council meeting held on December 12, 2023. A motion was made by Joseph Hutchins to approve the minutes as presented. A second of the motion to approve was made by Danny Garnett. Roll call vote: ALL AYES. The motion carried unanimously.
First on the agenda was Mr. Kirit Patel, who had submitted a request to be on the council agenda to address the Council about building a potential package store in The City of Southside, which would be located on the adjacent property to the Subway restaurant. Mr. Patel had Peter Patel speak on his behalf, in an interpreter’s capacity. Mr. Patel stated that his purchase of the Subway and the property it sits on should be finalized by January 15, 2024, and he would like to build a retail liquor store on the property beside the Subway. Mr. Patel also stated that he already had a “soft” approval from the Alabama ABC board, and he was seeking approval from the council to move forward. The mayor stated that there is a process for approval that would have to be followed, only after the property is acquired. Mayor Snyder explained that the ABC Board would require a resolution approving the establishment from the City to be submitted before they could grant a retail license. The mayor also explained that the proposed sight is beyond the required 300 feet distance from Southside Elementary School. The State of Alabama has no distance requirement unless alcohol is being consumed on the premises.
Next on the agenda was a Resolution to amend the Police Department budget to include a pay rate for an animal control officer to be a certified officer, which is a budget increase of $2.00 per hour compared to the current budget for the animal control position. A motion to approve the Resolution was made by Joseph Hutchins. The second was provided by Danny Garnett. The Roll Call vote was ALL AYES. The motion carried.
Next was a Resolution to amend the Parks and Recreation Budget, and add one full time employee to the Parks and Recreation Staff. It was established in the work session that this would satisfy the need that Parks and Recreation Director, Michael Weldon had requested for 2 more part-time employees. This would be an increase in the Parks and Recreation budget of $17.23 per hour for a 40 hour unit. A motion to approve was made by Joseph Hutchins. The motion was seconded by Keith Clay. The Roll Call Vote was ALL AYES. The motion carried.
With no further agenda items, the mayor asked if anyone in attendance had anything to discuss other than prior-discussed agenda items. The mayor then recognized several audience members, most of which were voicing their concerns over recent personnel moves within the city involving an employee changing departments within the city. The Chief of Police fielded some questions as well as the mayor. There were also several zoning questions addressed, as well as questions regarding a new animal ordinance currently being drafted by the City Attorney.
At this time, Mayor Snyder made the following announcements:
Next Planning Commission Meeting is scheduled for January 8 at 6:00 p.m.11,2024 in council chambers at City Hall
Next Council Meeting is scheduled for to January 9 in council chambers at City Hall
With no further business to conduct, Joseph Hutchins made a motion to adjourn, Danny Garnett provided a second. The meeting was adjourned at 4:57p.m.
Dana Snyder, Mayor
Cindy Beshears, Acting City Clerk