Council Minutes 3-26-2024
The City Council of the City of Southside convened in a regular meeting in Council Chambers at City of Southside City Hall on Tuesday, March 26, 2024. Prior notice of this meeting was given in compliance with Resolution No. 0-035-2005 of the City of Southside, Alabama, and the Alabama Open Meetings Act. Mayor Dana Snyder called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m., with Councilman Danny Garnett leading in prayer.
The following council members were present: Mayor Dana Snyder, Council Members: John Hatley, Don Steward, Keith Clay, Danny Garnett and Joseph Hutchins. With a quorum being present, the meeting was opened for the transaction of business.
Mayor Snyder inquired of the council if there were any corrections or additions to the minutes from the regular council meeting held on March, 3 2024. A motion was made by Joseph Hutchins to approve the minutes as presented. A second of the motion to approve was made by Don Steward. Roll call vote: ALL AYES. The motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Snyder inquired of the council if there were any corrections or additions to the minutes from the special-called council meeting held on March 19, 2024. A motion was made by Joseph Hutchins to approve the minutes as presented. A second of the motion to approve was made by Danny Garnett. Roll call vote: ALL AYES. The motion carried unanimously.
A Resolution was presented to accept the final Goodwyn Mills and Cawood Professional Design and Master Plan of Improvements to the Existing Softball Complex and potential future expansions. This was presented by GMC engineers at the last regular scheduled council meeting on March 7,2024. The council discussed the plan, the placement of a running track in one of the renderings, the fact that this is just a road-map which could be amended, if the council so desired. They reiterated the fact that this resolution is just to accept the design. It is not approving the start of any phase of the plan. There was discussion of several grant opportunities which having this plan in place could help the city secure in the future. Joseph Hutchins made a motion to approve the resolution, Keith Clay provided a second. Roll Call Vote was ALL AYES. The motion carried.
A Resolution was presented to approve a lease of approximately 35 acres of farm land located on Parker-Anderson Lane, adjacent to the softball complex to Daniel Sewell Farms. Mayor Snyder stated that this is a lease through December 31, 2024, in exchange for Daniel Sewell Farms performing all maintenance on the land as well as on the rights-of-way as consideration for the land use. Keith Clay made a motion to approve the Resolution, Danny Garnett provided a second. Roll Call Vote was ALL AYES. The motion carried.
A Resolution was presented to surplus to the needs of the City, a DVD storage shelf from the Library, which is no longer needed. It is to be sold as is, to the highest bidder, with the proceeds to be deposited into the general fund. Joseph Hutchins made a motion to approve the resolution., D
on Steward provided the second. Roll Call Vote was ALL AYES. The motion carried.
A Resolution was presented to re-appoint Stace Beecham to the City of Southside Zoning Board of Adjustment. Mayor Snyder explained that Mr. Beecham had been on the board for a term of three years, which had expired on March 9, 2024. This would re-appoint Mr. Beecham until March 9, 2027. Keith Clay made a motion to approve the resolution, Joseph Hutchins provided a second. Roll Call Vote was ALL AYES. The motion carried.
Mayor Snyder then presented a Resolution for the City of Southside Fire Department to apply for and accept, if awarded, a 2024 Assistance to Firefighters Grant. She then recognized Fire Chief Wade Buckner, who explained that this Grant, if awarded would for $37.000, with a 5% match to be paid out of Fire Tax. The grant, if awarded, would be used to fund the purchase of a large-diameter fire hose and its appliances. Chief Buckner spoke of the necessity of the hose to reach greater distances, as well as it being a solution to a compatibility issue which sometimes arises in situations of joint operations with other municipalities Fire Departments. Danny Garnett made a motion to approve the Resolution, Don Steward provided the second. Roll Call Vote was ALL AYES. The motion carried.
Chief Buckner then presented a Resolution authorizing the application for and acceptance and management (if awarded) of a 2024 FEMA SAFER Grant. Chief Buckner explained that this grant would be used to pay salary and benefits of 3 full time Firefighters for a period of 36 months, with no required match in funding. Chief Buckner stated that this would be extremely beneficial with the upcoming opening of the new Fire Station One. Joseph Hutchins made a motion to approve the Resolution, Don Steward provided a second. Roll Call Vote was ALL AYES. The motion carried.
Chief Buckner then presented a Resolution to enter into a contract with Tidmore Grant Writing LLC for help in preparing the grant application for the SAFER grant. Chief Buckner cited examples of Tidmore’s previous success in preparing this grant as well as others for other various municipalities. Joseph Hutchins made a motion to approve the contract, Danny Garnett provided the second. Roll Call Vote was ALL AYES. The motion carried.
Chief Buckner then advised the Council that the City of Southside Fire Department had been awarded a 2024 Etowah County Community Development Grant from the Etowah County Commission in the amount of $15,000.00. Chief Buckner stated that this grant was awarded to fund a new AMKUS Extraction tool, its Battery, and heavy-duty mount for the new Fire Engine 3. Chief Buckner then presented a Resolution to approve the purchase of the tool, mount, and battery to the Council. Danny Garnett made a motion to approve the purchase. Joseph Hutchins provided the second. Roll Call Vote was ALL AYES. The motion carried.
Mayor Snyder then presented a Resolution to approve a contract with Buffalo Rock to use their products in the Concession Stand at the softball complex, and other vending machines on city properties. In return, Buffalo Rock would repair the scoreboards at the softball complex as consideration for the contract. Keith Clay made a motion to approve the Resolution, Danny Garnett provided the second. Roll Call Vote was ALL AYES. The motion carried.
Mayor Snyder then opened the floor for questions from residents in attendance The mayor and council then fielded and answered questions from the floor.
The mayor recognized Public Works Director, Mark Owen, who gave an update on the paving project currently under way.
The mayor recognized Parks and Recreation Director Michael Weldon, who discussed the success that Parks and Recreation had with this year’s Easter Egg Hunt, as well as ongoing success hosting Softball Tournaments. He also reminded everyone of upcoming food truck events, and the first Movie Night coming up in May.
Mayor Snyder mentioned a complementary email she had received regarding a nuisance situation a resident had brought forth. The resident had great things to say about the nuisance abatement employee, as well as the administration and city employees.
The mayor then recognized Finance Director, Nickie Pylant, who had prepared a financial report regarding the trash service provided by the city. Director Pylant stated that the report was at the request of Councilman Clay. Director Pylant gave a comparison between the previous years expenses/revenues versus the current expenses/revenues, as well as other specific comparisons.
Mayor Snyder then recognized each council member individually for their comments. There was more discussion of the paving project, the success of the events that parks and rec are putting together, and excitement for potential of the softball complex. There was also discussion of the quotes for improvements to the sound system in council chambers, which is to be discussed in an upcoming work session, and positive feedback from the recent Washington D.C. trip, made by Mayor Snyder, Councilman Garnett, and Councilman Hutchins as part of the efforts to successfully land funding for a new northbound bridge.
The next Planning Commission Meeting is scheduled for April 8, 2024 beginning at 6:00 P.M. in council chambers at City of Southside City Hall.
The Next City Council Meeting will be held Tuesday, April 9, 2024 at 5:00 P.M. in council chambers at the City of Southside City Hall.
With no other business to discuss the mayor asked if there was a motion to dismiss. Don Steward made the motion to dismiss. Joseph Hutchins seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 5:45p.m.
Dana Snyder, Mayor
Cindy Beshears, Acting City Clerk