Minutes 05-23-2023
The City Council of the City of Southside convened in regular public session at the Southside city hall on Tuesday, May 23, 2023. Mayor Dana Snyder called the meeting to order at 4:03 p.m., with Genny Ball leading in prayer.
The following council members were present: Mayor Dana Snyder, Council Members: John Hatley, Joseph Hutchins, Genny Ball, Don Steward and Keith Clay. With a quorum being present, the meeting was opened for the transaction of business. The council recessed to the work session at 4:04 p.m., and reconvened the council meeting at 5:07 p.m.
The first agenda item was the “old business” of Resolutions to enter into contracts with ADS for security cameras at the Southside Landing ($11,569.40), The Southside Community Center ($13,884.72), and The Southside softball Complex ($14,526.42) using funding provided through ARPA. The council made the decision to accept all three proposals. A motion was made by Don Steward to approve the resolutions. The motion was seconded by Joseph Hutchins. The roll-call vote was all ayes, and Mayor Snyder declared the motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Snyder inquired of the council if there were any corrections or additions to the council minutes from the meeting held on May 9, 2023. A motion was made by Don Steward to approve the minutes as presented. A second of the motion to approve was made by Genny Ball. Roll call vote: All ayes. The mayor declared the motion carried unanimously.
The next agenda item was a Resolution to reject and rebid previously bid recycle trailers. Mayor Snyder explained that the specifications for the previous bid process were for a trailer that was not as user friendly as the ones currently being used by Rainbow City’s Recycling program. Since Rainbow City is going to service the Recycle Trailers to be purchased by the 2023 ADEM recycle grant for the City of Southside, the council feels it would be in the best interest of the program to solicit bids to match the trailers currently being used by Rainbow City. A motion to reject previous bids and re-bid the trailers was made by Genny Ball. The motion was seconded by Joseph Hutchins. Roll call vote was all ayes. Mayor Snyder declared the motion carried unanimously.
A Resolution allowing Mayor Snyder to enter a contract with NCPA purchasing cooperative was the next agenda item. NCPA is a purchasing cooperative recognized by the State of Alabama bid list as a resource for equipment not available on the list. A motion was made by John Hatley to approve Mayor Snyder to enter the contract with NCPA, it was seconded by Keith Clay. The roll-call vote was all ayes. Mayor Snyder declared the motion carried unanimously.
The next item was the Resolution authorizing Chief Blake Ragsdale to purchase 5 tablets, mounts and printers for the Police Dept. using funds from a Community Development Grant. A motion was made by John Hatley to approve the resolution. A second of the motion was made by Keith Clay. The roll-call vote was all ayes. The mayor declared the motion carried unanimously.
A Resolution was presented to authorize GMC to apply for the 2024 TAP grant. If awarded, this grant would fund construction of a sidewalk along school drive from the corner of Daystar Lane connecting with the community center at the corner of Highway 77 and Glenn Avenue. The grant would require a 20% match from the city. A motion was made to approve the Resolution by Joseph Hutchins, a second of the motion was made by Genny Ball. The roll-call vote was: Clay: NO, Hatley: NO, Hutchins: YES, Steward: YES, Ball: YES, Snyder: YES; 4 ayes, and 2 nays. The mayor declared the motion carried.
An Ordinance was presented to approve the GMC Zoning Overlay of the Highway 77 business district. A motion to approve the ordinance was made by Keith Clay. The motion received a second from Joseph Hutchins. The roll-call vote was all ayes. Mayor Snyder declared the motion carried unanimously.
A Resolution was presented to approve the final version of the GMC Master Plan “Southside Next” as a guideline for future development of Southside. A motion was made by Genny Ball to approve the Resolution. A second was provided by Joseph Hutchins. Roll-Call Vote: Clay: NO, Hatley: YES, Hutchins: YES, Steward: YES, Ball: YES, Snyder: YES. The mayor declared the motion carried
A motion was made to suspend the rules by Genny Ball and seconded by Don Steward to allow the council to vote on a non-agenda item discussed in the work session. The roll-call vote was all ayes. Mayor Snyder declared the motion carried unanimously.
A Resolution was introduced to allow Mayor Snyder to enter into a contract with Kalbacher and associates to do the pre-application research required, complete and submit the application for the 2023 BIP application with the US DOT to fund a replacement Coosa Bridge. A motion to approve the resolution was made by Joseph Hutchins, a second to the motion was made by Don Steward. The roll call vote was all ayes. Mayor Snyder declared the motion carried unanimously.
Genny Ball made a motion for the city to make a contribution to the Southside High School Athletic Foundation of $1000.00 designated toward the bowling teams’ expenses at national competition in Dayton, Ohio, as they will be serving as ambassadors for and representatives of the City of Southside. The motion was seconded by Joseph Hutchins. Roll Call vote: Clay: abstain, Hatley: YES, Hutchins: YES, Steward: YES, Ball: YES, Snyder: YES. The mayor declared the motion passed. A road block fund raiser was also approved for June 3 from 9 a.m. until 1p.m.
The following announcements were made by Mayor Snyder:
• The next Planning Commission meeting is scheduled for June 12, 2023 beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the council chambers at Southside City Hall.
• The next City Council meeting will be held June 13, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. in the council chambers at Southside City Hall.
With there being no further business to discuss, a motion was made by Don Steward to adjourn at 5:21 p.m., with a second of the motion cast by Joseph Hutchins. Meeting was adjourned at 5:21p
Dana Snyder, Mayor
Cindy Beshears, Acting City Clerk