July 11, 2023

Minutes 6-13-2023




The City Council of the City of Southside convened in regular public session at the Southside city hall on Tuesday, June 13, 2023. Mayor Dana Snyder called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m., with Reverend Roger Waggoner of Riverbend Baptist Church leading in prayer.

The following council members were present: Mayor Dana Snyder, Council Members: John Hatley, Joseph Hutchins, Genny Ball, Don Steward and Keith Clay. With a quorum being present, the meeting was opened for the transaction of business. The council recessed to the work session at 4:02 p.m., and reconvened the council meeting at 4:07 p.m.

Mayor Snyder inquired of the council if there were any corrections or additions to the council minutes from the meeting held on May 23, 2023. A motion was made by Genny Ball to approve the minutes as presented. A second of the motion to approve was made by Don Steward. Roll call vote: All ayes. The mayor declared the motion carried unanimously.

The next agenda item was a Resolution to let out bids on a 2023 Ford F150 STX 4WD Pick up truck included in the budget for the building dept. Building Inspector Judd Rich had made the request to let out bids in the work session, due to unavailability through Stivers Ford, off the state bid list since August 2022. A motion was made by Don Steward to approve a resolution to let out bids to be opened on June 26, and presented to the council at the regular council meeting on June 27. A second to the motion was made by Genny Ball. The roll call vote was all ayes. Mayor Snyder declared the motion passed unanimously

A resolution to accept the re-bid recycle trailer bid from Outback Trailers in Steele, AL was presented. The first bidding process produced only one bid in line with the specifications. The council rejected this bid due to pricing, and sent out notices to re-bid with new specifications in line with the preferred recycle trailers used by Rainbow City, since their staff will be servicing and processing recycling for the City of Southside. There was only one bid submitted, by Outback Trailers in the amount of $23,960 for eight (8) trailers to be constructed by September 30, which is the deadline set by the ADEM grant funding the trailers. A motion to approve this resolution was made by Don Steward, the motion was seconded by Joseph Hutchins. The roll call vote was all ayes. Mayor Snyder declared the motion passed unanimously.

The next item was the Resolution authorizing the acceptance of a FEMA Award of Assistance to Firefighters Grant. This is a FEMA Grant the City applied for and was awarded which is a 95/5% matching grant equaling $40,000 from FEMA and a $2000 match which would be funded through the city’s fire tax account. The grant is to be used to purchase exhaust systems for existing fire trucks, to aid in preventing firefighters and bystanders from inhaling cancer-causing agents. A motion to approve this resolution was made by Joseph Hutchins. A second of the motion was made by Don Steward. The roll call vote was all ayes. The mayor declared the motion passed unanimously.

Next on the agenda was City of Southside resident, Kari Wineman, who had formally requested in writing to be on the council agenda. Ms. Wineman was the spokesperson for a group of residents wishing to voice community support for Former Chief of Police Blake Ragsdale, to speak against the acceptance of his resignation, and ask for his reinstatement. Ms. Wineman addressed the mayor and council with a prepared statement and questions.

After Ms. Wineman voiced concerns of the group and asked questions, Mayor Snyder inquired of the group of approximately 75 citizens inside council chambers if anyone else wished to be recognized and speak on the subject of the resignation of Chief of Police Blake Ragsdale, posted on social media on Saturday, June 3, 2023, or his resignation submitted in writing to Mayor Dana Snyder and Councilman, Don Steward in person on Monday, June 5, 2023. At this time, 16 different residents were recognized, voiced comments, concerns and opinions, and asked questions. These were addressed by Mayor Snyder, and several council members provided insights and their opinions as well. Councilman Keith Clay and Councilman John Hatley both stated that they had been unaware of any discussion with the former Chief until the social media post on June 3.